Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Thoughts on "Justice League"

So Justice League has come and I have thoughts.

I'll preface this by saying I haven't seen the movie, nor do I plan to anytime soon. Everything I'm going to write here is based on spoilers, word of mouth and reviews, which I'll admit might not be fair or entirely accurate.
Some may believe that automatically disqualifies anything I say, but......meh. This isn't a review, and I'm not looking to sway people who loved the movie. If I'm completely off the mark here, then that's fine. Hell, I might even be relieved.

[UPDATE: Yes, I did eventually watch it on TV. I stand by everything I say here. In fact, it was even worse than I heard. So...yeah. If nothing else, I'm glad this movie landed with a wet thud and will most likely be ignored, assuming the DCEU even bothers continuing its continuity.]

If nothing else, I want to get this off my chest while it's fresh. Spoilers ahead, obviously.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Summer of Wonder

So what a summer it's been for Wonder Woman, eh?

Yeah, I'm pretty late to the party, but I thought I'd chime in with some thoughts on the movie. Especially since all my previous posts on the matter were from before the film's release, so I thought an update was warranted.

This won't be a scene for scene review—just thoughts on certain key points and whatnot. Spoilers, obviously, for those who care.
So let's get cracking...