Sunday, February 10, 2019

All Just Turds In the Wind - Thoughts on "Venom"

Late to the party again, but I want to talk about my boy and his movie.

So I saw Venom opening weekend. Up front, before I go into detail, I'll say I enjoyed it. It is definitely not a good movie, but I was entertained. I wouldn't even call it a "so bad it's good" type of thing—the film does seem to be in on the joke. It knows what it is.
To be perfectly frank and somewhat objective, aside from Tom Hardy's performance (easily the best part) and some flashes of absurd black comedy (which they could've used more of), it's an in one ear, out the other disposable superhero flick.

That's my brief summation review. From here, my actual thoughts on the film. SPOILERS ahead for those who care.