Monday, March 25, 2013

For Want of Rogues part II: Nemeses

As we know, the villain in a story is just as—and sometimes even more—important than the hero. Often, when dealing with a hero that faces a variety of foes, there is one that emerges as the villain of them all. The Shadow, the arch-nemesis, the antithesis. Sherlock Holmes has his Prof. Moriarty. Neo has his Agent Smith. And in superhero comics, Batman has his Joker. Reed Richards has his Dr. Doom.

I've talked a lot about the lesser known, less used Wonder Woman rogues. But who stands above them all as the Amazon's greatest enemy?

You Fail Me Yet Again, DC

Okay, I was working on my next post when I came across this and felt obliged to stop what I was doing and rant about it.

It’s just been announced a new DC video game titled Infinite Crisis is being worked on. Some kind of MMO or some-such, I don’t really know or care—my gamer days have been over for some time now.
What I want to discuss is the little bio the developers have created for Wonder Woman:

"Born of Zeus and Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons, Wonder Woman protects those in need with sword and shield.
"The Amazons lived in isolation until pilot Steve Trevor crashed on their island paradise and Diana fought to accompany him back to civilization as Wonder Woman. Expecting a world of peace and prosperity, she instead discovered war and hate, vowing then to enact change. Viewing conflict as an ugly necessity, Diana offers opponents mercy if at all possible."

I want you to soak this in.
If you’ve been following my ongoing ramblings about Wonder Woman, you might not be surprised to find I am at a loss. This little blurb here, this little summation of who Wonder Woman is, illustrates so much of what I’ve been saying is wrong with how Wonder Woman is portrayed and advertised by DC Comics.

And I’m going to break it down, piece by piece.

Friday, March 8, 2013

For Want of Rogues part I: The Gallery

The old saying goes, “A hero is only as good as their villain.” And this is especially true for superhero comics, where the hero usually accumulates a colorful cast of antagonists we like to refer to as a “Rogues Gallery.”

Unfortunately, Wonder Woman isn’t held in high regard for her Rogues Gallery.
Granted, like any character, she has her share of duds—like Angle-Man, Blue Snowman, and (yes) Mouse Man. But there are some potentially interesting villains if the writers bothered to look and actually use them.